Tips and Tricks Thanks to all those who patiently waited while our sports fanatics came back down to earth. Here are a few Tips and Tricks from us and elsewhere. Send in your own ideas and we'll try to include them. Enjoy:
Sunset Western Landscaping "...when developing a garden for small spaces consider a lively mix of water frugal plants such as agrave, creeping thyme, Carmel creeper, fountain grass. "Defining" the the area by flagstones, boulders and a stucco wall make the garden seem larger..." Sunset Western Landscaping, 1997, Edited by Kathleen Brenzel, pages 344-347
The Garden Book " a general rule, the bigger the (entrance) garden the less welcoming it appears"..."second and most crucial factor, however, is the peripheral planting. If it is low and well-spaced....the effect is welcoming...." The Garden Book, 1933, John Brookes, pages 60-61 It should be done in tiers..from low to medium to high.
Craven Landscaping Pruning, pruning, is the time!!!! Roses, fruit trees...prune selectively call a professional to guide you through this process. Make sure to spray dormant oil on your roses and fruit trees to minimize pests and fungi in the spring. Check all low voltage lamps to make sure they are aimed properly and working at optimum. Now is a good time to do the midwinter lighting checks midwinter when days are darkest. This check can be is VERY important for your safety. Irrigation system should probably be turned off by now. Keep an eye on your garden to make sure things don't get dry. Have it checked before you turn it on or call a professional to guide you.
For more information about to Montery County's gardens and related special events please visit: